A clever knitter has discovered that in generating the HTML version of my pattern template for my Knits that Fit Knitty Gritty episode, the folks at DIYnetwork.com left out an essential piece of the template.

In the template, just after “Calculating the Neck Stitches,” and just before “Edging” this section is missing:


The raglan increases surround “seam” stitches, which help to mark the increase and give a decorative look to the garment. These stitches need to be added to your Cast On.

Take (C) and add 4 stitches C + 4 = ___________________ (D)

Without this piece, the rest of the template doesn’t make much sense. I’ve e-mailed their webmaster and hopefully it will be corrected on the site soon.

Thanks Rachel!

DIYnetwork.com errata

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