I went out and got one of those little mesh bags today, worried that all the felting I’m doing might clog the washer. I haven’t tried it yet, but I’ve ben told it doesn’t affect the felting.

I also went on a quest for snaps and didn’t buy them because they required an expensive contraption to make them work. I’ll go to the famous (but also expensive) G Street Fabrics tomorrow to see what they recommend. I have a feeling putting snaps in heavy felt may require the assistance of James–he always loves it when my knitting requires the use of “real” tools.

We had dinner at a Salvadoran restaurant tonight, and the 1/2 of a margarita that I had, (I’m a light-weight) has made me quite sleepy, so even tho’ I want to work on the sleeves for the Malabrigo cardigan, I may just have to go to bed…

Lots of work, but not much to show….

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