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Morning Walk, a set on Flickr.

Now that we’re getting settled in here in Juneau, I’m starting to develop a daily routine. In the mornings, after making breakfast and packing lunches, I make my tea and fill my mug, then walk the kids to the bus stop. Buses come at about 8 a.m. Then I head south on a walk.

I vary my path slightly each morning, but most often I hit many of the same favorite spots. My route includes a jaunt across Sandy Beach and a stroll through parts of the Treadwell Mine trail, including my favorite spot–the cave-in–where the trail meets the beach. (I’ll talk more about the Treadwell Mine in a future post, I’m sure–it’s a fascinating part of my neighborhood’s history).

I find myself wanting to photograph the same spots day after day as the light and the surroundings slowly change with the tide and the seasons. My little camera phone isn’t great, but it’s with me all the time, so it gets the most use. I’ll probably keep adding to this particular flickr set as I notice more tiny details of my walk.

A New Morning Walk

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