This can’t really be considered off-topic, can it? Given how I’ve yet to meet a crocheter/knitter who doesn’t consider chocolate to be a must-have knitting accessory. I was listening to The World today and heard a very funny, interesting report about Chloe Doutre-Roussel a chocolate connoisseur, who’s made a business out of eating chocolate! Her website bills her as a professional “chocolate consultant” offering seminars and classes. Presumably to the trade, her web site lists her main qualification as “a love affair with chocolate.” Hmm… I wonder if there’s room for two chocolate consultants in the world…

She eats one pound per day, and begins at 5:30 a.m. because that’s when her palate is the cleanest. She says the best chocolate can evoke “mushrooms, or a walk in the forest.” Ok, don’t get me wrong, I really love chocolate–I go out of my way to buy good chocolate–especially organic, dark chocolate, chocolate with single origin beans, or other interesting bars, but a walk in the forest? (might be more up my husband James’ ally–when he opens bottles of his single malt scotch, I’m sure I smell dirt.)

The really funny part is that she’s French and I laughed out loud and almost woke Jay when she said “Airshay Bairr.” But she did mention a chocolatier that I had never heard of out of Denver, Colorado–Steve DeVries. His web site has no real information or ordering, so I may have to beg my aunt in Denver to try it out for me…

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The knitter’s other obsession…

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