I met Ann and Kay back in January in San Diego (we won’t mention how before that, I was the last person to know about their super famous blog.) At any rate, I’ve loved their book ever since I cracked it open on the plane-ride home in January, (especially the dishcloths!) and I was looking forward to seeing them on their book tour–they’re in DC tonight at one of the best bookstores in town–Politics and Prose. I, however, am in Seattle, after spending the day on the plane with a helpful six-year-old and a not quite as helpful sixteen-month-old. I did, somehow manage to do some mindless knitting and try out my new stash of camouflage yarn. This is our gracious host, Hans, modeling the result.

To make your own Camo Skully for your battles in the urban jungle, you’ll need about 1/2 a skein of Red Heart Grande yarn, and size 13 needles. (Add four hours of intermittent knitting, holding fussy babies, passing out snacks, crawling around on airplane floors looking for lost toys and marker caps, and you’re done!)

CO 48. Work in k2p2 ribbing for about 5 inches (or longer, if you want a longer hat.)
Begin crown decreases:
Row 1: (k2, p2tog) rep across the row
Row 2: (k2, p1) rep across
Row 3: (k2tog, p1) rep across
Row 4: k1p1 across
Row 5: (k2tog, k1, p1) rep across

Thread yarn through remaining stitches and draw together. Fasten off. Sew up side seam. Weave in ends.

The hat will look very small. Never fear. It stretches. A lot. Let me know if you try this out!

Missing Ann and Kay

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