
One of the things I love most about teaching a Craftsy class is the interactions I get to have from crocheters all over the world. Students are engaged and excited, and they pose interesting questions, and share beautiful examples of their work.

Today, I got a sweet note from Papitha, writing from New Zealand–a long way from Alaska. Papitha took My First Crochet Shawl, and her Asteroflora came out so beautifully that she wanted to display it in a fiber (fibre in New Zealand!) exhibition, and she asked me to sign her photo.

Here’s some of what she had to say:

Your class has helped me overcome the fear of reading and crocheting a shawl from the charts. I’m thrilled to showcase my first crochet shawl at the exhibition. Will send you the pics of the exhibition which happens from 21-25 June. Cambridge Creative fibre exhibition is considered as a big and an important event which generates money for our club. We meet up twice a  month to share our passion for fibre. Two weeks ago at the National exhibition I noticed no one exhibited crochet items. Something I’m planning to take on as a challenge.

I’m so glad Papitha now likes working from charts, and has challenged herself to exhibit at the New Zealand National Fibre Exhibition next year. I wish I could go! I’ve asked her if she would do a guest blog post after she goes to the Cambridge Creative Fibre Exhibition, and she’s agreed! So stay tuned for that later in the summer. Have fun, Papitha!

BONUS! In Celebration of overcoming fibre fears and taking on big challenges, here’s a 50% off coupon for My First Crochet Shawl. Enjoy!


Asteroflora Cures Fear of Charts

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