Sara's Hat - 005

Craft Magazine has just published my latest pattern, Sara’s Hat, on their blog. It’s a perfect fall hat–a soft beanie worked in squishy wool (Blue Sky Alpacas Worsted Hand-Dyes). Back loop single crochet is finished with Crab Stitch (reverse single crochet) for a nice, braided edge.

I crocheted this hat for my sister-in-law Sara, and when I gave it to her, I subjected her to a photo shoot, thinking I would certainly want to publish the pattern eventually. (Yay for forethought!) I was excited when Craft approached me about creating a crochet colorwork pattern for them since I already had this nearly ready to go.

With the move, and graduate school, I haven’t been doing tons of knitting and crochet lately, but I’m finishing up one hat design right now and starting another. Sense a theme? I’m determined, as I’ve had to fit my yarn “collection” into our new house, to knit up the slew of unfinished projects I discovered in unpacking. We’ll see how long that determination lasts.

Sara’s Hat — A New Pattern @Craft

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