Book Cover

The book is called, Crochet Master Class: Lessons and Projects from Today’s Top Crocheters. It came in the mail last night from the publisher, and I was immediately drawn in. It’s a book you can sit down and read and enjoy, not just flip through looking at pattern pictures. When I went to find the link on Amazon, I was surprised to find unfavorable reviews. Reading reviews by other readers, I decided that they might have been thrown by the title of this book. Crochet Master Class may give the idea that the authors are presenting very difficult patterns, or a course of study in advanced crochet. Instead I think the book might have been better titled, “Crochet by the Masters.”

This book is a fascinating for many reasons. It presents 18 crochet techniques. Many of them are unusual or underrepresented among crocheters and designers. In all my years crocheting I’d never seen Crocheted Bruges Lace, for instance. The fact that it is relatively easy to create does not degrade from it’s beauty or intricacy. In fact, I think it’s the technique I’d like to try first from the book.

The construction of the book is great. Each technique is presented by a “master.” The designer is profiled in a detailed biography. Then the technique is discussed in general terms, and pictures of items made using that technique are shown in a gallery. Finally, a pattern is presented for the reader using the technique. The patters are more of introductions to the techniques than the highest example of a particular technique. This makes perfect sense. If you’re showing something new, you want to make it accessible to everyone.

I enjoyed reading about little-known techniques, and I also enjoyed hearing about and from crochet designers from around the world. Irish Crochet is presented by an Irish crocheter. There are designers from Germany, Russia, Trinidad, Australia, and of course, The United States.

Oh, and I just discovered there’s a free pattern from the book for a double-ended crochet baby afghan on the Potter Craft web site.

A new book that got my fingers itching for a hook: Crochet Master Class

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