Most of the time I don’t mind that there’s no movie theatre here in Cordova. Going to the movies is a fun part of any trip away from town. But sometimes I just want to be part of a cultural phenomon–like today, when the new Harry Potter movie opens.

Jay Jay is currently obsessed with Harry Potter. Since he’s only five (he’ll be six on November 28th) he’s only been read the first two books in the series. I think they get a little too dark for a wee lad like him pretty quickly after Chamber of Secrets. But he insisted on being Harry for Halloween.

Harry Potter

I made the winter wizard cap with ear flaps and convinced Jay that if Harry were to come visit Alaska, he’d probably wear a hat.

Now he wants to have a Harry Potter birthday party. This leads me to wonder–how do I make a Harry Potter party fun for kids who don’t know anything about the young wizard yet? Selma and I have come up with a few fun activities (a sorting hat game, a scavenger hunt for the Sorcerer’s Stone, making wands out of chop sticks, but I’m searching for more).

Got any suggestions?

p.s. In honor of the movie opening, Craftzine has posted a round-up of Harry Potter-themed crafts and they’re featuring my Hermione Tie with a picture of Selma.

Wishing for Deathly Hallows

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