
We’re having a rare sunny day, so I’m going to post quickly and get Outside! This Sunday I got to go to an open house held by members of a woodcut printmaking class here in Cordova. Artist Andrea Rich came to town to teach a week long workshop and I think 6 or 8 members of the community signed up. The results were beautiful and diverse. And as different as all the prints were, nearly all were inspired by Cordova’s beautiful scenery, flora, and fauna. Here’s one student, Michael putting the finishing touches on her final prints.


Each woodcut is truly a limited edition. As you make a pass with each color, you’re cutting away more wood from the print, changing the block permanently. So, you need to choose the length of the edition before you begin. The students made 12 prints of their woodcuts. They printed both by hand and with a press. Michael is using a hand-printing process above.

I’m always impressed by the variety of interests expressed by people here in Cordova. I don’t know if it’s my imagination, but it seems like Cordovans are more willing than folks elsewhere to make time for creative passions. It’s one of the things that makes this remote village such a nice place to live.

Art in the Air

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