It’s amazing the energy that seems to be happening this new year. The few listservs I am on are abuzz with ideas, it’s exciting to hear about new technologies and trends in publishing and the web new books coming out in crochet and knitting. (I’m particularly excited to see Dora Ohrenstein’s new book Creating Crochet Fabric, and I’ll post a review as soon as I can get my hands on it.) Right now I’m reading Myra Wood’s Crazy Lace, An Artistic Approach to Creative Lace Knitting. It’s a wonderful book that teaches how to knit lace without patterns. I loved Myra’s first self-published book Creative Crochet Lace, and this book does not disappoint either. It’s a groundbreaking new look at lace with fabulous techniques and ideas.

I want to thank everyone who participated with me in making ornaments in December. I’m sorry I only got to 18! I would love to try again next year for 24, so I’ll start looking for ideas sooner.

We spent our Christmas holiday in San Francisco with my brother and his family. It was fun to be in the city, and do big city things–I got to go to a real bar with live music including my sister-in-law Sara’s best friend Kristen who sang some great holiday tunes and a visit by one of my favorite singers Jonathan Richman:


We went to the movies and saw Avatar (fun, but we were sitting too close for the 3-D effects, and it made the print look blurry), and took the kids to see The Princess and the Frog which was great! I loved the music and the actors and the story, AND the “old-style” animation.

After leaving the theatre, we were wondering through downtown looking for a Japanese restaurant that was open on a Sunday afternoon and we walked right up to the Museum of Craft and Folk art. It was true serendipity. I had e-mailed Sara in November to say I really wanted to see their current exhibit, but then I forgot about it. The exhibit is called Open Source Embroidery and it is a great intersection of craft and technology, and it really appealed to my geekier side.

I loved the quilt of web colors.  (Little known fact: a million years ago before I was a knit and crochet designer I was a web designer!) Each hexagon was embroidered with it’s HTML color equivalent:

Open Source Embroidery - 009

The kids enjoyed the more hands-on pieces in the exhibit including a chair that played music while you embroider on it, and graph paper where you could draw a pattern which would then be interpreted by a computer and turned into music.

Here’s a slide show of our visit to the exhibit which continues at the Museum of Craft and Folk Art until January 24th.

Now that we’re back I’m quickly throwing myself into a slew of new projects I had been saving until the new year. I’m preparing to teach, take classes and work on an upcoming book project at Cat Bordhi’s visionary retreat in February.

For the first time in years I won’t be attending the winter TNNA show. I’m sad I won’t get to see friends, but I’m excited about the new things that are brewing within the Stitch Cooperative. We have TWO collaborative books coming out this year and much more exciting stuff in the pattern department.

I’m working with Julie Holetz on new issues of Inside Crochet magazine and we’ve got some great designs in the works there. In fact issue 6 will be out pretty soon with a great cardigan by Robyn Chachula among other things. (Oh, and Julie made the trek to our airport hotel to visit when we were stopped over in Seattle on our way home to Alaska, and I can prove it with a cheesy self-portrait!)

Amy and Julie - 002

I made a fun hat for my sister-in-law for Christmas which will certainly end up being published sometime this year, and right now I’m working on a little scarf in 100% Yak yarn from Bijou Basin Ranch. I will post pictures as soon as I’m done.

During the crazy ramp-up to Christmas I took Stefanie Japel‘s class on Teaching Online Classes–and I plan to start offering my own online classes soon. I have some fun class ideas lined up but I’d also love to hear what YOU would like to take a class on. Leave a comment on this post letting me know your thoughts and I’ll enter you in a drawing to win this adorable little Japanese crochet book full of cute accessories that I picked up during my mad rush through Daiso–a Japanese store in San Francisco which is GREAT for buying stocking stuffers.

Photo on 2010-01-05 at 15.22

The book has amigurumi toys, cute little purses and flowers and even a lipstick cozy. All the patterns are done using charts so there’s no need to know Japanese. The contest will be open until Friday January 8th. I’m looking forward to hearing your ideas!

New, New, New! New Year, New projects, New ideas even a New Contest…

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