I tried to think of some witty post title about felting, but they all seemed too cheesy.  At any rate, Selma and I taught needle felting last week at The Net Loft. Students made little needle felted portraits on craft felt and then framed them. Selma and I had made little portraits as class samples. Mine is a bit of fireweed:

Needle Felting - 1

Selma’s is an Alaskan black bear:

Needle Felting - 2

So, after we got our students going we worked on other projects.

Selma made this wee chick, nest and eggs:


Selma's needle felting

(I’m particularly fond of the feet).

I made a little needle-felted pendant:

Needle felted pendant

Yesterday I met a knitting/crafter blogger mom who’s visiting Cordova. Her blog is called Gypsy Forest, and shows the many beautiful things she makes. I’m looking forward to following her as she gets to know her new surroundings in Lousisiana where her family has just moved.

Tomorrow night we’re having a “yarn tasting” at The Net Loft. I’ve never been to a yarn tasting. Should I have dinner first? I’ll take pictures and report back.

Insert “felt” pun here

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