We’re here. All the way to Cordova. Finally. After a month of moving, house sitting, traveling, seeing relatives, and spending time with gracious friends who hosted us in Maryland and Seattle.  We can’t wait until Wednesday morning when James returns with the ship.

We found Interweave Crochet on the newsstand in the Anchorage airport today during an extended layover. I took that as a good sign–Alaska seems to be a crafty place. Here in Cordova, we’ve arrived on a Sunday evening, just in time to get to bed, but on the way to the hotel we saw to fabric stores and the yarn shop.


My friend Lisa hosted our cat Honey for a couple of weeks while we were travelling, and while we were in Seattle, she made all the complicated arrangements to send her out to us. Honey came via air cargo to Seattle, boarded at her old Seattle vet for a few days and today flew coach with us to Cordova. Tonight she’s sleeping in our new house, while we are crammed in to a tiny “staff” room in Cordova’s only real hotel due to an overbooking fiasco.  Honey’s 14, and she’s over all the moving, having done it about 5 times. Our other kitty, Inca is still staying with my friend Hillary in MD, and we’ll be arranging her incredible journey soon.


On Thursday we went to Portland to visit my Aunt Barbara. It was great fun to see her and stay at her house. She took us to a Portland Goodwill where we bought some warm clothes. It was a good thing because it’s in the 50s here in Cordova (not a-typical for summer). Selma and I are lying on the bed in the hotel now (waiting for Jay to fall asleep so we can turn on the TV) wearing our new (old) fleeces because we’ve opened the window to get some air.

Tomorrow we’ll explore the town. I’ll bring the camera.

A Good Sign.

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