
The stuff is gone.

It took 10 people 3 days to pack the stuff and it took 12 people one day to load the stuff into crates on trucks to take it to a warehouse where it will be put in a container and sent somehow to me in Alaska.


With any luck it will get there right around the time we do. We never could have done it without my parents who came a week ago and stayed during the packing and the moving. They sorted and cleaned and minded the children and cooked and more. It was amazing. After the stuff was boxed we spent a lot of time eating standing up or sitting on the stairs. Making (and burning) toast in the broiler of my old oven, and generally camping. We bought five towels for $1.58 each at Target which were as thin as tissue paper and the size of large hand towels, but mom enjoyed the fact that we could wash them all in one load!

The movers finished in one day a job that they said would take two days, so on Thursday our friends Rick and Meg housed Jay, Selma and Me–they’re house was a wonderful refuge, and they are so warm, welcoming and friendly. My mom and dad stayed with our friends Ally and Jay who are like family–we’ll miss them so much. On Friday night we all stayed with Ally and Jay and got Indian take out, and had root beer floats and played Bananagrams after the kids were asleep. (Jay won all but one game, but they almost all came down to one tile–it’s a great word game, quicker and more portable than Scrabble).

James is in Cordova now. He arrived on Thursday and he’s getting his bearings. Today my parents left and we moved in across the street at our friends Anne Marie and Tom’s house. They are traveling and we’re house sitting. And we’ll get to sleep in the same place for a whole week. Then, we’re off on our trip across the country.

Oh, and here’s one more photo from the Stitch and Pitch courtesy of Jennifer. I got these needles in my goodie bag. We thought they went well with the DomiKNITrix t-shirt, don’t you?


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