I finished this a week or so ago, but then as it was single ply and as I’m a novice, it was a bit over-spun, so I washed it and blocked it and dried it on the swift to straighten it a bit. The yarn is a mix (not a blend) of merino top and merino-silk top. Both fibers were left over from my spinning class with Maggie Casey. I spun the yarn “over the fold” alternating locks of the white, then the purple to get the stripey effect. There are about 70 yards of sport weight. Not really enough to make much of anything, but it’s the first handspun that I’ve felt compelled to use, so we’ll see what comes of it!

Latest Handspun

Today Emily came over to help me organize my studio for the move, and we got a good start, but we haven’t gotten to the YARN yet… Our friend Lisa (ravelry) came over and brought us Salvedoran food for lunch–yummy cheese and vegetable Pupusas which are like a flattened tamale. I sent Lisa home with some tiny swatching skeins of yarn I’d collected over the years and the promise to teach her to make a granny square so she can use them up making little grannies.

Latest Handspun

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