It may seem like I have hats on the brain these days (I sort of do–I recently made a knitted hat for my friend Molly that I’ll post about soon). Back in July, I wrote an article for CRAFT magazine. It is a step-by-step guide to creating your own hat design. The issue just came out, and my article is on page 116. Here are some of the hats I created as models while working on the article:

Craft Magazine Hats

This one is a sun hat I gave to my grandmother for her birthday.

Craft Magazine Hats

Below, my mom models it:

Craft Magazine Hats

And I tried it on:

Craft Magazine Hats

This hat was my Fair Isle February project:

Craft Magazine Hats

My favorite hat for the piece is a newsboy cap. It was a bit tricky to get the brim to stick out without any aids (I didn’t want to add plastic or cardboard to the brim like many hats do).

Craft Magazine Hats

I ended up doubling the yarn and going down a hook size. I found that tip online, but unfortunately, can’t remember where now! (If you know, post a comment, and I’ll link to it).

Craft Magazine Hats

The tutorial gives tips on how to create a spiral-style crown or a round crown without obvious increases. You can learn various brim styles, and get ideas for all sorts of fun customizations.

Caps A La Carte

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