I grew up right next to the Hamilton College campus in Clinton, NY where my parents still work. Today the college is participating in the Eat Local Challenge along with other colleges in the Northeast. They’re holding a campus-wide picnic filled with local ingredients. My mom says they even found flour milled locally. She’s headed over to the picnic right now. Hamilton College contracts with Bon Appétit, a national food service company who seems to have the most ecological, forward thinking approach to their work of any of the big mass market food providers. The head chef at Hamilton College, Ruben Haag says he regularly seeks works with about a dozen farmers from upstate New York. Pat Raynard, the general manager of Bon Appétit at Hamilton College was quoted in a press release saying, “I don’t know of anyone else who is closing down campus and holding a huge picnic where the farmers will be on hand.”

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Hamilton Eats Local

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