I’ve been telling my brother the computer programmer what a big deal Ravelry is for some time now. It seems he has had “industry” validation, and now believes me. Here’s the e-mail I got from him last night:

Ravelry makes TechCrunch. I stop laughing at you.


(Who’s laughing now?) The article talks about the popularity of the still-in-beta program and compares it to a social networking site, but I think it doesn’t “get” the really cool fiber-y aspects of it. I mean, we can virtually socialize in a million places, but we can’t see what’s in Violet’s stash or instantly what’s being crocheted with Socks that Rock. Interestingly, these are some of the more “geeky” aspects of the site. I’m guessing that TechCrunch didn’t write about them because they can’t yet get in there and see them. There are rumblings that beta will be over soon.

John and I were speculating that once the public beta was over, non-knitters/crocheters would be joining Ravelry just to be where the hip crowd is.

Speaking of Betas, Kim has just posted this morning that the beta launch of the CrochetMe redesign is also imminent.

Designer Mary Jane Hall sent word of a spread in Elle Magazine about craft in fashion. Many of the designs in this piece are crocheted (including at least one mis-identified one).


Check out Lolly’s post about the great Friday the Thirteenth Knitting event that happened this weekend here in Maryland.

And it’s only Monday morning.

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Craft is Everywhere

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