Comfy Crocheted Sock
Originally uploaded by plainsight.

That’s what Walter, the owner of Adega Wine Bar, where SSK, (Silver Spring Knitters), meets, said when Debbie and I walked in. It was sleeting a little outside… Carol also appeared a few minutes later, but we were the brave few. We had a great time eating and knitting and sharing stories–Carol is last in the line of afghan crocheters in her circle of friends and she gets nominated to make one for every big life event–she makes sure to throw in a color that wouldn’t go with anyone’s decor so they still look like those that a grandmother would have made.

I finished this sock on Monday night when I should have been working on a sweater design. I’ve told myself I CANNOT crochet the second sock until I’ve finished the back of the sweater. I figure in typical reverse self-psychology, telling myself I can’t make it will help me avoid any “second sock syndrome.” (Actually avoid isn’t exactly the right word, I’m drowning in SSS, I’ve never actually made a pair of socks knitted or crocheted, but this one was so fun and easy and it fits so well, I’m determined to finish the pair).

I got the Domiknitrix book today. It’s fun even before you open it–it has a rubber cover. The book itself is organized in two parts–technique and patterns. Author jennifer stafford uses her “domiknitrix” persona to teach basic and advanced techniques and there are clear instructions and lots of color photographs. The patterns in part II fun and campy with lots of intarsia graphics, slinky tops, a mens vest with a pipe-smoking head on it, a bright green “mohawk hat.” Patterns include lots of charts and schematics and a list of what you’ll learn by completing the project.

"What are you DOING here?"

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