This just in from the folks at Knitty Gritty:


Screen Door Entertainment’s TV show Knitty Gritty is looking for unique
knitting groups, individuals, or events to profile in an upcoming one-hour
special for the DIY Network. We are looking in the Los Angeles area AND
NATIONWIDE!!!! We’ll be taping this special throughout 2007, and we’ll come
to you.

We’re searching for knitters or groups with a “story” or extra-special
quality. For example: unlikely knitters such as a sports team/league or a
group of Harley bikers, actors who knit on the set or bands who knit
backstage, groups who knit in unusual places such as a pub or baseball
stadium, someone who has knit a car cozy or something incredibly unusual or
large, someone who incorporates knitting with art projects, people who knit
for a purpose/cause (whether for charity with a great story behind it, or
for a nontraditional purpose such as knitting graffiti taggers, etc), a
knitter with a personal human interest story, or anything else along these
lines that may come to mind.

If you have any leads for us – even if it’s just something you’ve heard of –
please send me an e-mail with as much info as you can provide, as soon as
you can. We’d love to hear more and could really use your help in finding
these stories to make this one hour special, well… special!

Please feel free to repost this (anywhere you can – on myspace, your blog,
or to a mailing list).

Thank you so much for your help! 🙂

Please email:
Lorelei at
Joy at

Call for Knitting Groups

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