project preview
Originally uploaded by plainsight.

This fall I completed a project for Amy Swenson’s felting book that was a labor of love–a toddler’s felted varisty jacket. It took a very long time to complete, but I loved it.

Just before Christmas, I was speaking to Amy’s editor about a different project and I mentioned how I was hoping Jay would still fit in the jacket when they were done with it. (often you don’t get book projects back for over a year, but Amy had said she thought I could get this one faster). Anyway, a couple of days later, I had it in the mail, and I gave it to Jay for Chistmas!

I can’t show you the whole thing because the book’s not out yet, but here’s a sneak peek. (Of course, if you’re in Takoma Park, you may see him around town in it.)

Sneak Peek

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