Yesterday in the mail, I got the brochure for the January TNNA conference. I dropped everything I was doing to register for classes. This is pretty much the only time of year I get to take classes instead of giving them and I always end up a better teacher and designer because of it. I like to take classes in things that I don’t necessarily knit for fun. I don’t knit socks, but I always take a Cat Bordhi class, well, because she’s a genius. Last year, I took tapestry crochet and intarsia. This year, I signed up for a crochet design class with Lily Chin (so excited–there are rarely classes on design offered anywhere and Lily is extremely entertaining), a class with Cat, and TWO cabling (beginning and advanced) classes with Melissa Leapman. I know how to do cables, but I expect to know a lot more after TNNA, and Melissa is a fun, generous, easy to learn-from teacher. I took a workshop from her this summer on managing the design submission process–she’s really a pro and I learned a lot.

So, it was a nice surprise today, when in the mail I got a new book: Cables Untangled: An Exploration of Cable Knitting, by none other than Melissa Leapman. The book is beautifully produced in full color, and it’s really two books in one. The first half is instructions and patterns for using cables: Adorable baby hats and blankets, beautiful two-color cabled pillows. The second part is a cable dictionary with charts and instructions for more than 120 different cable stitches. So now I can’t wait for the class!

Serindipitous Cables

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