I’ve had a few comments in the questions lately, so I thought I’d devote a post to answers…

Leah asked where I got my Yak Pak–I bought it from Now and Then, the store where I teach in Takoma Park, MD… It looks like they’re pretty easily found online.

MK asked about knitting “both ways,” which I’ve also heard described knitting “back and forth” and knitting “two-handed.” Essentially, it’s knitting from right to left (the conventional way) and then, instead of turning your fabric, and purling back, you knit your stitches again from left to right–switching which hand holds the feeder needle and which hand holds knits the stitches off the needle. It is used most often with color work, I suppose to keep the stranding safely on the same side of the work all the time, and supposedly can give you better tension. I can knit with both hands because I sometimes teach lefties, but I have not tried knitting both ways in the same project. Since I want to learn fairisle, I probably will soon.

Misfit asked about my top-down cardigan: Could I ask if that’s a generic pattern you are using, or if you’ve designed it yourself? Actually–it is my own pattern, but I learned the technique of creating top-down sweaters from Barbara Walker’s Knitting From the Top. The book has detailed descriptions (but no actual patterns) of techniques for creating a variety of one-piece garments. With the garment in the picture, I didn’t create the neckline like Barbara Walkers (she starts with a smaller neckline and increases to get a natural curve). To simplify, I just chose the size neckline I wanted and cast on for that. I’ll have my pattern available after I teach the sweater class in October.

Deneen asks: Also, if not getting to personal, how many places across the country DO YOU teach????? No Deneen, it’s no secret–I do teach a lot of places, but right now they’re all in the DC area. I teach beginning and intermediate knitting at Now and then in Takoma Park, MD. I teach crochet every once and a while at Stitch DC, and I teach lots of Kids Classes–at a middle school in Bethesda, MD at a community center and elementary school in Takoma Park. School just started today, and I’m looking forward to working with the kids again.

I appreciate all the questions and comments! Off to bed now…


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