sleeveless top
Originally uploaded by plainsight.

Here’s a sneak peek at a tube top (with optional straps) that I’m designing for a class I’m teaching in August. I’ll post a photo of the whole thing after I figure out what I’m going to do with the pattern…

In other news, I leaned up against my storm door today and it shattered slicing my wrist on the side… A tetanus shot and some skin glue (after x-rays to see if there was any “debris” in there) and I’m doing fine…

It’s pretty pathetic, but when it happened, one of my first thoughts was–“damn, I hope this doesn’t keep me from knitting!” (or crocheting, more accurately, I’ve got projects promised to both Kim and Shannon, and I wouldn’t want to dissapoint.) Also, tonight is the night of my favorite monthly knitting group at Savory here in Takoma park–it’s the biggest, rowdiest group I attend, and I wouldn’t want to miss it. I won’t.

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