I just finally bought Kim and Cecily’s book: Teach Yourself VISUALLY Crocheting. Of course, it lives up to all the hype–there are great photographs that make learning new techniques so much easier than following the much more common line drawings that appear in most books. They’ve covered pretty much every type of crochet you could imagine. Also, Kim and Cecily created patterns to highlight the techniques and stitches. There’s an adorable one-piece sweater, a sexy spider-woman belt, and a tunisian tie that I’ve added to my project to-do list (who knew I’d ever want to crochet a tie?).

Kim and Cecily have also picked smart interesting yarns for the book that illustrate how versatile crochet can be. My students often ask me what yarns they can crochet with–and it sometimes takes some convincing to let them know that you can crochet with any yarn or anything else long and sinewy for that matter. The book talks about how to acheive drape and a fabric “hand” that you like by playing with yarn, stitch and hook size. This getting new crocheters to think beyond the yarn label is really imprortant.

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Crochet Library: Teach Yourself Visually Crochet

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