Ok, so maybe I made that last part up. But a big truck full of yarn did crash and spill all over a highway in South Carolina… Why was their no mention of fiber content? Gauge? The article says a second truck was sent in to pick up the yarn but they conveniently left out information about where the yarn was going–perhaps, like armored vehicles, yarn trucks’ routes must be carefully guarded secrets…

Hickory Daily Record | Yarn snags drivers:

“Yarn snags drivers
One lane of U.S. 321, NW, shut down for hours after wreck

Record Staff Writer
Saturday, May 6, 2006

Around 7 a.m. a single vehicle accident occurred in the northbound lane of U.S. 321, NW. A tractor trailer driven by Isaiah Small of South Carolina struck a concrete pillar”

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Yarn causes traffic jam…knitters flock to scene to help with cleanup

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