My kids knitting class begins tomorrow and I just spent the evening winding small balls of yarn (I never knew how useful the winder was until I had it!) and casting on 8 or 10 little swatches for the kids to work with. (They’ll learn the cast on next week.) Some of these girls took my crochet class last session, but I’m hoping for some new faces as well.

I got back from Seattle last night–Jay was amazingly calm on the plane, but nonetheless, I didn’t crochet or knit. Instead, I watched Jennifer Aniston’s silly, but entertaining sequel to The Graduate, called, I think Rumor Has it, and I almost finished reading Knitting Rules! : The Yarn Harlot’s Bag of Knitting Tricks.I haven’t read Stephanie’s other books, but this one makes me think I should–tho’ her knitting tips are fun, I like the essay parts best.

At any rate, after finishing the camo skully on the plane ride to Seattle, (which did it’s job keeping me warm in the chilly Seattle spring), the matching scarf languished, and I didn’t work on my real project–a sweater for Blue Sky Alpacas to be unveiled in June. It’s nearly done, and while I can’t show pictures, I will say that working with the sport weight alpaca has been very nice. I like the alpaca more than the alpaca silk because it has more bounce, and actually, feels softer to me.

OK, even though my body is still on West Coast Time, Jay will be waking up in a few short hours and I must go to sleep. I still need to type up class materials for the Feather and Fan intro I’m teaching tomorrow evening. Eeek! Well, hopefully, I’ll be awake enough to do that in the morning.

Casting on, and on, and on…

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