Since the time of year is right, and I’ve been getting quite a bit of interest in these, I thought I’d re-post the picture and link:

here’s what I wrote back in October:

In other news, I have a new pattern published in the brand new MenKnit magazine! It’s a hip new publication for and about men who knit. While I don’t think it’s any harder for men to knit than women (and therefore no more remarkable) there is a clear absence of fashionable patterns out there for men to knit or wear, and MenKnit has set out to correct that problem–they’ve got lots of cool patterns including some great socks; an update on the classic “muscle tank” and a cool shadow knit scarf. The zine is published in PDF form. I love that because the patterns are formatted for printing. I don’t know about you, but I don’t usually knit in front of the computer. You can download the zine here.

Since lots of knitters have told me they’re making these–I’d love to see how yours turned out! Please send me a picture and I’ll post it here..

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Ear Warmers Revisited…

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