Sari Silk Purse
Originally uploaded by plainsight.

Not blogging, obviously… I’ve been pretty busy lately with teaching, and I’ve been having a great time!

I have a weekly gig teaching a class of 15 6-8th graders in Bethesda–they’re amazing, they’re knitting and crocheting, they’re creative and full of energy.

I’ve also been teaching beginning knitting and crochet. So, to keep up, I’ve been creating patterns and samples (I’ll post pictures here as soon as I can) and writing lesson plans. I get such a buzz from teaching. Annie Modesitt says teaching “recharges her design batteries” and I agree! (I attended a workshop with her last weekend, it was amazing and I learned a ton!)

Oh, by the way, the purse in the picture is one I created to highlight the Silk Juggle Balls sold at Now and Then in Takoma Park, one of the stores where I teach.

What Have I been Doing?

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