Stripe, the new fall contribution from Trendsetter Yarns is a generous 100g ball of chunky 100% wool. The stripes in question come in earthy hues and appear at varying widths througout the yarn. Stripe comes in seven colorways–my favorite, 1661, is an earthy rainbow combining tones from all the other colors.

The yarn knits quickly and easily on US10 needles. It looks beautiful in stockinette–but the stripes also do very interesting things when worked in garter stitch or crocheted.

Trendsetter has so far produced six patterns for the yarn, and it retails for about $17.00–online you can find it at Yarn Lady or Great Yarns.

Care instructions specify hand-wash, so I’m assuming the yarn will felt. After making Jay’s baby hat, there’s plenty left over, so I’ll probably make mittens to match.

Yarn Review: Stripe

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