Originally uploaded by plainsight.

I can actually see most of my yarn, know more or less what I have and it even looks nice up there…

I got rid of a lot of yarn–but I probably could purge even more. There are some skeins in there, I know I’ll never get back to and I’m holding onto them just because they’re pretty. Tuesday night, there’s a big Yarn Swap here in DC, so I plan on giving a lot of it away instead of swapping, since I don’t have room for much more.

I still need to find a nice way to keep my works in progress accessible. Right now they’re in one of the cupboards, but “out of sight, out of mind,” I’m afraid I’ll never work on them if they stay in there.

If you’d like to see the rest of my basement re-org, you can visit my Flickr Set

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Finally! An Organized Stash…

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