I found the neatest new project bag at the hardware store yesterday.

It’s from a German company called Koziol — I’ve found they’ve got really great designed household stuff in addition to the bag. Check it out!


I’m addicted to containers… I always think the next great box or basket is going to get me organized. What I may end up with is a mess of containers. We move a lot because my husband James is in the Coast Guard, so I frequently get to start over setting up house. I love doing this–I’m continuously optomistic that this time, I’m going to get it right. Of course, for the last year, we’ve been squeezed into 670 square feet, so when we move in a month or so to a nice big three bedroom house, I’m sure we’ll be more organized than we are now. I’m already dreaming about how to set up the perfect craft space. Hmm… I think I’ll need some more containers.

Project Bag

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