Printer Wars
Creative Commons License photo credit: spbutterworth

I’ve wanted to add this feature to my blog for a long time. I’ve just found a new Word Press plugin that creates a pop-up printer-friendly version of any of my posts. So–if you want to print one of my free patterns or recipes, or techniques, you don’t have to print all of the sidebar stuff… PrintFriendly also allows you to remove all images, and it also allows you to delete parts of the post you don’t need before you print (like intro text if all you want is a recipe or a pattern). To use it, just click on the green PrintFriendly button at the bottom of any of my posts. After you print, the plugin shows you some innocuous text ads before directing you back to the web page you were on. I think that’s totally worth the convenience of quickly printing off a recipe or pattern. PrintFriendly also has a browser button so you can apparently use the feature on any web page, even if the owner doesn’t have the plugin installed.

Now printer-friendly

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